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Code 3

Feld Fire has come together with one of the most influential and innovative manufacturers of products for the fire service, Code 3. Code 3 sirens and Code 3 emergency lights and speakers have a long history with the fire service. They are some of the most dependable equipment on the market. Code 3 is always first and foremost when it comes to developing new technology for the fire service. This helps you and your department stay on top of the situation whenever an emergency occurs.

The Best in Firefighting Technology

The dependability of Code 3 equipment is legendary. You know that you have to be able to get to the scene safely and quickly if you are going to help those who are in harm's way. You can't get there if you don't have lights and siren systems that enable you to get there safely, every time. You have to be able to get to the scene before you can help. We at Feld Fire can help you do just that. We can provide all of the equipment that you need to get to the scene safely so that you and your department can do what you do best -- help others. Let us help you today. Browse our selection of Code 3 products below or give us a call today for more information!
Products (Total Items: 9)
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C3100 Series 100 watt Speaker
Scorpion Basic 100Watt Siren
3 x 7 LED Perimeter Lighting
4 x 6 LED Perimeter Lighting
7 x 9 LED Perimeter Lighting
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