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Emergency & First Aid Signs

There are two primary characteristics that first responder signs must have; they must be highly visible and they must have an immediately clear message. Large, colorful signs will be visible to whoever may need to find them. To be useful to individuals with varying levels of literacy, these signs should be clearly labeled with both text and pictures. Ideally, these signs will also be inexpensive and easy to install.

These signs may label the location of nearly any type of emergency equipment, from a fire extinguisher to an Automated External Defibrillator. Having ready access to this type of equipment could potentially reduce the risk of liability to your business in the event of an injury.

When you purchase first responder signs from Feld Fire, you can be assured that you are getting a high quality product that will bring increased safety and peace of mind to your employees and customers. In addition, you will find reasonable prices and great customer service. Feld Fire has spent 60 years servicing firefighting equipment and supply needs; let us help you too.

Products (Total Items: 8)
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First Aid Rigid Plastic Sign
AED 3-D Rigid Plastic Sign
FIRST AID 3-D Rigid Plastic Sign
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