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Could Hobby Planes Interfere with Wildfire Battles?

Posted by Feld Fire on 8/20/2014 to Fire Fighting
We have all seen them - heck, some of us have had them at some point in our childhoods - buzzing around front yards and in parks. They are the model remote-control or wireless controlled airplanes and helicopters that we so enjoy as we pretend to be a pilot.

How to Be a Champion for Change

Posted by Feld Fire on 8/20/2014 to Fire Fighting
You are a good, talented firefighter in a great department and a great station crew. So this is not to say that there are bad departments out there, but certainly some departments are better than others. And if you are someone who thinks there should or could be changes that can help your department be even better but you are not in a position of authority in order to put some changes into motion, that doesn't mean you should sit by and wait for someone in authority to come up with the ideas on his or her own.

Assess Your Fitness Level

Posted by Feld Fire on 8/14/2014 to Fire Fighting
Firefighters are expected to remain in good physical condition, even after going through the initial candidate fitness tests. Though firefighters are not formally evaluated on their physical fitness beyond that initial candidate test, having some sort of informal assessment can be useful for some fire captains and crews to give firefighters an opportunity to evaluate the fitness regimen they currently use and determine if they need to change tactics to address any weaknesses in their overall fitness.

Don't be The #FirehouseTwit!

Posted by Feld Fire on 8/14/2014 to Fire Fighting
Social media is probably here to stay, though it may evolve as technology gets better and better, but it seems pretty certain that social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit and others will be around for a long time as they continue to mature as a source for getting out breaking information and opinions.

The Long Slow Run

Posted by Feld Fire on 8/13/2014 to Fire Fighting
For firefighters, there is no question that staying in good working shape is vital to being an effective front-line firefighter. With so many adverse conditions all at once on the fine line - poor visibility, poor air, high temperatures and weight of equipment and clothing - firefighters have to be in top condition during every shift.

How to Kick Axe Properly

Posted by Feld Fire on 8/13/2014 to Fire Fighting
For firefighters, the axe may very well be the most used handtool at its disposal. It can be a very versatile tool for firefighters in that there are very few instances where an axe would not be useful.

The Three C's of Effective Communication

Posted by Feld Fire on 8/12/2014 to Fire Fighting
Humans are generally not meant to be alone. We all have an inherent need to have a partner, a companion - someone to communicate with.

Concealed Fires? Here are Alternative Attack Tools

Posted by Feld Fire on 8/12/2014 to Fire Fighting
If a fire wants a fight, why don't they all just come right out and confront firefighters face-to-face?

The Value of Container Training

Posted by Feld Fire on 8/12/2014 to Fire Fighting
With fewer real-world opportunities, the need for proper training in simulations has gained a lot of importance so that fire departments continue to mitigate the loss of life at fire scenes.

Being A Firefighter Is Tough Work

Posted by Feld Fire on 8/12/2014 to Fire Fighting
It is a statement that many people feel is self-explanatory, but really, but it isn't. There is this misconception about what being a fire fighter is all about and while some of it is true a lot of it is fantasy.
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