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Legal Marijuana Use: Is It a "Right" for Firefighters, Too?

Posted by Feld Fire on 6/24/2014 to Fire Fighting
Several states in the last few years have contradicted federal law and allowed residents to use marijuana in small amounts either for recreational or medicinal purposes.

Firehouse Exercise on a Budget

Posted by Feldfire Team on 6/22/2014 to Fire Fighting
There is no question that firefighters are among the most essential government workers in most municipal jurisdictions. Yet, in the current economic climate across much of the country, local budgets are being squeezed, and sometimes that means the firehouses don't always get all the funding they may need in order to continue operations uninterrupted.

Fire Fighting Organizations

Posted by Feldfire Team on 6/19/2014 to Fire Fighting
Fighting fires for a living is not only one of the most dangerous professions in the world, it can also be one of the most time-consuming. As a result, it can be hard to keep up with all of the news and information that affects your world.

Say What?: Steps to Prevent These Words from Being Uttered

Posted by Feldfire Team on 6/18/2014
Fire or other life-threatening situations (like extrication) can be very dangerous for firefighters, first responders and the victims.

PTSD: It's Not Just for those in the Military... How Fire Fighters Are Affected

Posted by FeldFire on 5/29/2014 to Fire Fighting
The problem is that, with firefighters tending to be a prideful sort, some of the PTSD cases go undiagnosed and thus untreated because these men and women don't generally ask for help.

Firefighter Fitness the Key to Saving Lives, Starting with Your Own

Posted by FeldFire on 5/23/2014 to Fire Fighting
Firefighter Fitness the Key to Saving Lives, Starting with Your Own
Firefighters must stay fit and strong. Failure to do so can keep them from being able to perform the duties of their profession and can even keep them from leading long and enjoyable lives.

Automobile Emergency Kit

Posted by Feldfire on 5/22/2014
Whether you are going on a road trip, driving in inclement weather, or just going on your normal weekday commute, it is a good idea to equip your car with the right tools in the event of an emergency.

Protecting You and Your Family from Carbon Monoxide

Posted by Feld Fire on 5/20/2014
Carbon monoxide can kill you. Indeed, CO, as it is also called, kills close to 500 people in America each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Most Fire-resistant Building Materials

Posted by Joe P on 5/13/2014
The time it takes for firefighters to get to a fire sceneis important. The time it takes for a fire to start, the time it takes to spread and the time it takes to collapse a building or burn through an acre of forest is very important.

Take Your Smoke Alarms Seriously

Posted by John Feld on 5/6/2014 to Fire Safety
When your home was first built, it was constructed up to a certain code. That code meant that your home was safe to inhabit. Some parts of your home are mandated to be up to this code. One mandatory piece of equipment that every home needs is a smoke alarm.
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