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Fire Prevention Begins At Home

Posted by Bryan on 11/24/2012
Fire is a dangerous hazard that can destroy homes, businesses as well as people’s lives. It can start without notice and for all reasons such as gas, oil that catches fire, storms that damage pole lines.

Waldo Canyon Fire

Posted by Joe on 11/21/2012 to Fire Fighting History
The Waldo Canyon Fire near Colorado Springs, Colorado, the largest in Colorado’s history, started on June 23, 2012.

The Workings of Rope Rescue in Firefighting

Posted by Bryan on 11/18/2012 to Fire Fighting
Many of the non-fire situations firefighters face require rope rescue. This involves firefighters using them in various configurations to reach people in danger and to remove people from dangerous situations.

Respiratory Protection Is Needed During Overhaul

Posted by Bryan on 11/13/2012 to Fire Fighting
Firefighting is extremely dangerous work, and during overhaul, firefighters are required to enter structurally compromised structures to open up walls, ceilings, and other types of void space to seek out those still-burning embers. That's why Respiratory Protection Is Needed During Overhaul.

Three Tips for Preventing Fires in your Home

Posted by Joe P on 11/2/2012 to Fire Safety
Most fires that occur in a home are preventable. With this said, it is important to ensure that each member of your household knows what they should and shouldn't do in order to keep your home from becoming ablaze. Here are three easy tips to remember that will help you keep your home safe and free from fires.
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