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Just What is Aerial Firefighting?

Posted by Bryan on 1/29/2013
Annual expenditures of aerial firefighting are in excess of $250 million per year. The cost, however, of this service is inconsequential compared to the good this type of firefighting provides to the public.

Make Fire Safety at Home a Topic of Conversation

Posted by Joe on 1/22/2013 to Fire Safety
Fire safety is something that everyone should agree is important. Unfortunately, however, it is too often something not many people devote much thought.

More Fire Safety Tips for Parents

Posted by Mel on 1/15/2013 to Fire Safety
It is crucial for parents to focus on fire safety. Every year thousands of preventable fires occur because of household accidents. Here are some fire safety tips for parents.

What Do You Know About Fire Prevention?

Posted by Bryan on 1/8/2013 to Fire Safety
The best way to fight a fire is to prevent one in the first place. Here are some things to keep in mind while you think about fire safety...

The Evolution of Mobile Fire Apparatus

Posted by Bryan on 1/3/2013 to Fire Equipment
The first mobile piece of fire apparatus was a hand drawn pump developed in the 1700s. This early pump was used to augment the efforts of the bucket brigade. These portable pumps delivered water to a fire more steadily and with more force, but had their drawbacks. The physical demands of using such equipment had to be at least equal to the physical strain of filling and passing buckets up and down a line as quickly as possible.
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