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Keeping Your House Safe from Fire Hazards

Posted by Joe P. on 5/24/2012 to Fire News
With more families keeping charging systems plugged in for hours at a time, the risk of a fire starting from an electrical device has risen. In fact, fire fighting statistics observe that an increasing number of house fires each year are caused by computers, gaming systems, and other electronic items that have been left to charge for prolonged periods. When families want to avoid starting fires with their electronics, they are urged to take safety precautions before leaving home or going to sleep for the night.

Fighting Fire With Fire: A History

Posted by Bryan on 5/16/2012 to Fire Fighting History
The phrase "fight fire with fire" means to respond to any type of attack with force equal or similar to the attacker; however, the saying originated with a more literal connotation. While using controlled fires dates back thousands of years, the idea was brought to the United States during the 1800's.

Take a Moment to Thank a Firefighter

Posted by Bryan on 5/4/2012 to Fire Fighting
They head out every day -- weekends and holidays too. They work in sweltering heat and in the cold of winter. The truth is, these men and women are heroes every day of the year simply for opting to perform challenging, dangerous work in an effort to keep the rest of us safe.
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