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Minimizing Swiftwater Risk

Posted by Feld Fire on 7/29/2014 to Fire Fighting
In some parts of the country, this is the rainy season. And when you have a "rainy season," that usually means the climate is generally dry most of the year. And when dry meets a torrent of rain, that can often mean flash floods in washes or on low-lying roads.

Social Media Ethics for Firefighters

Posted by Feld Fire on 7/28/2014 to Fire Fighting
With the great popularity of social media these days and the ease of uploading and sharing information on the web, a lot of firefighters are tempted to join the bandwagon while they are on the job.

The Real Deal on Retirement for Firefighters

Posted by Feld Fire on 7/28/2014 to Fire Fighting
Every single day, firefighters are risking their health and even their lives to serve the community and help people. But this job is only for the young, strong, and fit. If you're a firefighter, you inevitably face early retirement which may not be quite beneficial in this type of career.

3 Major Firefighter Health Risks You Need to Know

Posted by Feld Fire on 7/28/2014 to Fire Fighting
Can you imagine the dangers that firefighters have to face on a regular basis on the job? Well, if you're new to this scene, it's best you find out early on about the perils you'll be encountering. Your life will not just be put at risk on the spot, but you'll be confronted with health risks day in and day out.

Always Think, and Never Not Change

Posted by Feld Fire on 7/16/2014 to Fire Fighting
Always and never. Those of us in the firefighting and fire science business know all too well about the Always and Never lists of things to do and not do when fighting fires. These have been part of academy training for many years, and it's likely that your chief is alive and got to his or her position by following and committing the memory the absolutes listed.

The Firefighter’s Life

Posted by Feld Fire on 7/12/2014 to Fire Fighting
Firefighters just sit around, playing games, eating, sleeping and watching TV, and once in a while they are called out to hose down a fire here and there...right?

Lessons from Yarnell Hill

Posted by Feld Fire on 7/2/2014 to Fire News
It was just a little more than a year ago that 19 firefighters were killed by the Yarnell Hill wildfire in central Arizona. Only one member of the Granite Mountain hotshot team survived the tragedy, which is the largest single loss-of-life event for firefighters since Sept. 11, 2001.
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