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Red Head Brass Triple Holder Set Style 107 Hydrant Wrench
Triple Holder Set Style 107 Hydrant Wrench

Red Head Brass Triple Holder Set Style 107 Hydrant Wrench

Part Number:14837
Retail Price:$223.00
Your Savings:$45.00(20%)
Your Price: $178.00
Identical to Style 148-3 except Style 107 hydrant wrench instead of Style 105 hydrant wrench.

Fire Fighters and Emergency Response Personnel have the toughest jobs on the planet, and work long hours in the harshest environments. Hanging in the balance each day are the lives and property of the people in your community, so add immense stress and pressure to that job description. At Feld Fire, we've been providing professional fire fighters, EMTs and other emergency personnel with the top quality equipment and safety apparel they need to get the job done for over 60 years.

To perform your duties as efficiently as possible, you need to keep all of your tools extremely organized and close at hand. The Triple Wrench Holder from Red Head Brass is built strong, and easy to apply to a wide range of surfaces in your truck. This unit comes with a K07 hydrant wrench and two K01 spanner wrenches. Order yours by clicking above, or call us directly at 800-568-2403 to order by phone.


  • Identical to Style 148-3 except Style 107 hydrant wrench instead of Style 105 hydrant wrench.


  • Weight: 7-1/2 lbs.

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