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Three Tips for Preventing Fires in your Home

Posted by Joe P on 11/2/2012 to Fire Safety
Most fires that occur in a home are preventable. With this said, it is important to ensure that each member of your household knows what they should and shouldn't do in order to keep your home from becoming ablaze. Here are three easy tips to remember that will help you keep your home safe and free from fires.

Never Attempt to Heat your Home using your Oven

If it is cold and the heat is out at your house, you may want to try and warm up your oven and open the door in order to let a few bursts of heat out into your home. This may sound like a relatively safe idea, however, with so much heat coming out at once, you may want to rethink this process over because it can attribute to catching your walls or adjacent kitchen appliances on fire.

If your Chimney hasn't been Cleaned... Don't burn wood!

When you use your chimney to burn firewood and heat your home cheaply, the smoke causes a resin to build up in the stack of your chimney thus making it harder and harder for smoke to escape over time. If the smoke isn't escaping out of your chimney, you home can become a dangerous place to inhabit. Before you start burning wood in your home, make sure you have your chimney swept by a trained professional.

Kids: Don't Microwave Utensil or Foil along with your Food!

Sometimes kids will heat up a pop tart and forget that the foil the encloses the pop tart is flammable if you put it in the microwave along with the pop tart. Kids shouldn't be allowed to cook unattended but if they are in a position where they want to stick something in the microwave quickly, they need to know the basics of what is microwave safe and what is not.

Reinforcing these three tips is easy and once you enlighten your family, they won't be susceptible to making these common mistakes in your home that could lead to a fire.

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