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Fire Pumps on Sale Now at Feld Fire

Posted by Bryan on 10/12/2012 to Fire Equipment
We have gas fire pumps, diesel fire pumps, transfer water pumps, and portable water pumps for all your fire service needs. After all, you can never be too careful or prepared when it comes to the ever unpredictable & chaotic situation of when a fire happens. From very large pumps that provide for a whole building to smaller pumps that let you be your own firefighter, we have a wide range of fire pumps for whatever your home or business calls for to prevent it from burning down.

We have fire pumps of every make and model that vary in size, shape, and water delivery. We've even expanded our selection recently. Because of the recent brush fires that have been plaguing the western states and the dry weather that causes them, we are now offering free shipping on all our pumps to get them to you all the faster and save you some money. Consider it a little bonus. Regardless, you'll need a good fire pump for if and when your home or business catches fire.

From Hale to Waterous to CET, we carry all the best fire pumps from the best manufacturers. So if you need a fire pump for somewhere like a high rise, warehouse, mall, home, or to have on your vehicle in case of emergencies, we have you covered.

You never know when or where a fire will start or how much damage it will do. So you need to make sure that you're ready with a good fire pump to have water the moment it is needed. So let FeldFire and its wide selection of fire pumps help you prepare for one of the most dangerous and unfortunate things that can happen to someone so you'll be ready when the time comes.



Craig Shevlin
Date: 10/21/2015
Please provide price including shipping for: Hale Portable pump HP450-B35 Battery Fuel tank Shipping to: 2650 Lakewood Forest Road Moneta, VA 24121 5407193547

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